At USBA we are a true partner with our members. We are built to help community banks succeed in the 21st century.
At USBA we are providing our banks with tools and programs necessary to help them build the communities they are in.
At USBA we are providing our banks access to a national network of businesses, all aligned to bring local customers every day.
Combine an in-depth knowledge of the banking industry with the essential leadership, entrepreneurship, communication, marketing, and execution management skills needed to run and grow programs.
The National Association of Entrepreneurship has partnered with the United States Bankers Association (USBA) to provide Banking professionals with an educational curriculum focused on developing the business and leadership competencies required to successfully manage a “Entrepreneurial Focused” banking operation.
Completion of the NAE Director of Entrepreneurial Banking Certification Course will enable a banking professional to become a “Certified Director of Entrepreneurial Banking” by NAE, the certifying organizations that is accredited by USBA.
The NAE Director of Entrepreneurial Banking Certification Program is focused on developing the business and leadership competencies required to successfully manage a entrepreneurial business focused internal operation in a community bank. While developing the tools and skill-set to communicate all aspects of entrepreneurial banking to specific businesses, targeted groups or in public settings.
Success in community banking depends on many factors, including: a unique and differentiated value proposition for the customer; a strong internal business focused culture; a prudent, deliberate business focused, development plan; a passionate, connected and disciplined team; an intentional entrepreneurial marketing strategy and proper execution. Yet, even when all these attributes are present, the single greatest influence on whether a bank will be successful and, therefore, profitable for the long haul depends on its leader. Leaders, especially great leaders, and, therefore, great Entrepreneurial Banking directors, are the single most important influence on any business relationship or the bank’s ability to succeed, and the community banking industry’s most difficult challenge is identifying, cultivating, and putting in place qualified leaders.
This course is being taught completely online through the NAE Virtual Town Hall (VTH) online learning management system. Students are expected to view all course lectures and readings and complete all assignments through VTH.
This comprehensive educational curriculum is constructed to be real world instructor-directed, and is interactive with peers. Students are taught through educational modules, problem-based, critiqued and graded projects and a certification mid-term and final exam.
The course modules are, in order, as follows:
Module One – Introduction to the role of Director of Entrepreneurial Banking
Module Two – Banking history and knowledge, related to business partners
Module Three – Entrepreneurial Banking Standards and Connectivity
Module Four – Entrepreneurial Hub Expertise and Engagement
Module Five – Program Related Technology
Module Six – Maximizing Banks Personal Entrepreneurial Brand
Module Seven – Human Capital, Culture & Leadership
Module Eight – Building and Executing Program Budgets
Module Nine – Related Marketing and Sales
Module Ten – The Customer and Member Experience
Each module has its own learning guide that details the objectives for the module, describes learning activities to be pursued to meet the module objectives, and contains various articles, lectures, videos and interviews that are part of the required learning activities. In addition, each module has a short mastery quiz and several modules include a project that must be turned in for grading.
All students in the program will be provided access to a private, social media-style discussion site where other students, members of the curriculum development committee and subject matter experts will reside. The site allows students to post questions, offer responses and chat on topics relevant to the role of Entrepreneurial Banking Director. The site will be available for graduates of the program to use as a resource after their successful completion of the program, as well.
Course Fee
No fee is required to submit an application for the course. Upon acceptance, you will receive a link to pay the course fee, which is $1,395.
Required for Applications
To submit an application for admission to the Course please click on the “Apply” link below. You will be instructed how to fully apply and submit the following documents.
You will need:
-A cover letter outlining how you are a suitable candidate for the Director of Director of Entrepreneurial Banking certification and how it will contribute to your career aspirations
-Your professional resume
-A copy of your current USBA membership (member number will suffice)
-A letter from a supervisor or boss that vouches for your leadership capability
-Proof of your affiliation with a USBA member bank
For information please call us at 800-532-2970 ext. 2525
Combine an in-depth knowledge of the banking industry with the essential leadership, entrepreneurship, communication, marketing, and execution management skills needed to run and grow programs. Get your package.
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